
Sunday, 27 February 2011

The Young Creatives.

Just a little post to bring all your attention to The Young Creatives - a lovely blog which serves as a platform for young people to showcase their work. I was lucky enough to be featured last month - you can check out the full article here.

They are always looking for more creative people (under the age of 25) to feature on their blog - so if you're interested, then it's definitely worth checking out!

In other news, my work has also recently been featured on this lovely blog - the girl who wrote it also taught me that Tartaruga Feliz means 'happy turtle' in Portuguese, which I think is pretty damn cute - and my rainbow rain print was featured on Oooh Yum. Also, you can check out a couple of my one-minute creatures on CreatureMag.


  1. Hi, its Tartaruga Feliz here!
    I'm happy you liked my name, but I'm a girl, not a guy haahahha well, most people get confused as its very difficult to verify if a turtle is male or female right? :D

    Bisous from Paris!

  2. Ooops, so sorry! I will correct it immediately! Thank you again for the post. :D


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