
Saturday, 12 March 2011

Amelia's Magazine | London Fashion Week A/W 2011; Ashish.

This illustration is included in Amelia Gregory's review of the Ashish show in Amelia's Magazine. Apparently, Ashish describes this collection as 'an ode to the “archetypal poor little rich girl”, the kind you might find slumming it in Dalston courtesy of mum and dad, decked out in posh clothes that have seen better days.' As Amelia explains, this statement translated into a collection filled with 'lots of his signature sequinned garments, oversized tartans, ripped jeans and moth eaten jumpers.' After looking at the photographs included in the review, I have to say this is definitely one of my favourite LFW collections - I especially love the cobwebs sprawling across the models' knees.

Interestingly, my boy's mum had a look through my fashion illustrations and commented on how all the models I draw seem to have quite a childlike appearance to them. I hadn't really noticed it myself until it was pointed out to me, but know I can see exactly what she means. I think perhaps my work in children's book illustration has given me a tendancy to produce child friendly illustrations, as I am so used to creating work for a younger audience. I have been focussing on this whilst creating my last few fashion illos, and attempting to make the models appear less childlike.

Check out the full review of the Ashish show here, along with some beautiful illustrations by Erica Sharpe, whose work I just discovered today. Love it.

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