
Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Ohh Deer | Stuck on Repeat.

So I had completely decided that I wasn't going to enter Ohh Deer's Stuck on Repeat competition. I couldn't think an idea to perfectly fit the brief, and I didn't want to design a repeat pattern just for the sake of it. Then, yesterday afternoon, I was struggling with repetitive eating-disorder related thoughts - my head wouldn't stay still for a second, and it was hard to focus on anything. I had, earlier that day, re-found my lovely rainbow coloured pens, so I took them out and tried to distract myself by drawing an intricately detailed pattern. It took patience and concentration, and worked for a time to keep me distracted from the unhelpful thoughts. 

When I'd finished, I didn't think much about the pattern, except that it looked quite pretty, but then I was reminded of the competition, and I realised the relevance - repetitive thoughts, repetitive patterns. When I drew this pattern, my thoughts were stuck in repeat. Drawing a repetitive pattern was both calming and distracting. So at the last minute, I decided to enter my pretty little pattern into the competition. It's really quite different to the work I usually create, but it seemed to fit the brief well, so I thought it was worth a try. The other entries are exceptionally good, so I don't hold out much hope, but if you do happen to like my design, please pop over and click the like button. :]

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I entered a couple of pieces using a pattern of mine as well, but like you say, I don't hold out out any hope. So many wonderful entries!


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