
Thursday, 31 May 2012

May Draw A Day | Day Thirty-One.

A little collage illustration for today's theme, which is an acorn. Acorns are cute, they look like they're wearing little hats.

Today is the last day of May, which means the end of the May Draw A Day challenge. A massive thank you to the lovely Astrid for organising it; I will miss creating a little illustration each day. I decided to join in with the challenge in the hope that it would help ease me back into my illustration work after a break away from it, and also to push myself to show doodles and unpolished illustrations. The challenge has definitely kept me motivated - although some days it has been more of a struggle to get started, I have really enjoyed setting aside time every day to be creative. It has inspired me to spend more time on my illustration work again, whilst also allowing me to be more experimental in my work, using materials I hadn't used for years instead of always sticking to the same style. The reaction to my May Draw A Day illustrations has been pretty positive, which has made me feel more confident in showing less than perfect work, without the fear of being judged or criticised; this means I will be posting a lot more work in the future. Yay!

A little reminder that all the original illustrations I've created for May Draw A Day are currently for sale; it is very rare that I sell original work, so if you'd like to own a little signed illustration then this is your chance!

 Astrid, Jade and I are already planning to organise a collaborative Draw A Day challenge in August, so keep your eye out - I hope you'll all want to get involved!

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