
Tuesday, 1 January 2013

2012 | A round up of the year.

Happy New Year! It seems like only months ago that I was writing my round-up post for 2011 - this year seems to have zoomed past! I've been meaning to write this post for the last few days, so apologies that I didn't manage to do so before the arrival of 2013. So today, at the very beginning of a new year, it seems like the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past year, look back at the creative goals that I made at the end of last year, and see whether I have achieved what I had hoped to this year.

During 2012, I have;
  • after much deliberation, I opened my NOTHS shop in January, and have made just over 130 sales during 2012.
  • seen my Etsy shop celebrate its first birthday in February, and have made another 30 sales during the year. I also added a range of new products to my shop over the course of the year - above all, my illustrated tote bags seem to have proved popular!
  • reached over 150 sales in my Society6 shop.
  • secured myself a part-time job in a bookshop, which I adore (and although it's not a creative job as I had hoped for, it does mean I can look through beautifully illustrated picture books whenever I please, and this makes me happy!)
  • had my first illustration properly published in Lionheart Magazine - a real-life magazine that people can buy!
  • completed proper paid commissions (which I guess, based on last year's round-up post, means I can now actually call myself an illustrator!)
  • taken part in the May Draw A Day challenge, which pushed me to keep myself motivated to create a small illustration every single day for a month, and to post images on my blog which were not perfectly finished to my usual high standards - this was a massive challenge for me.
  • had my work for sale in two online shops (Crafty Little Herberts and The Green Door Bookshop), plus my book for sale in a real brick-and-mortar shop in my hometown.
  • taken part in my first craft fair which, although not quite as successful as I had hoped, has made me determined to take part in more.
  • re-designed my business cards so they include my current logo, and are more in keeping with the design of my website.
  • taken a copy of my picture book to my local library - it will soon be available for children to borrow.
Also, although not a creative achievement, my boyfriend and I bought our first house together in the autumn of 2012 - definitely the biggest step in my life so far. We even went sofa shopping on boxing day, which I think means we are actual proper grown-ups. We are currently still working on our new house, but will hopefully be moving in during the spring - I will keep you updated on my new studio, with lots of photos once we've moved in!

Looking back at my list of creative goals for 2012, a handful remain uncompleted - yet at the same time, I have achieved many things that I didn't plan to. I have certainly learnt a few valuable lessons this year - a recent one being that I must stop being so trusting of people. I will certainly not be making the same mistake of completing work for someone who then refuses to pay me for it. In terms of making a list of goals for 2013, I don't think I'll be quite as specific as last year. Similar to making a list of new years' resolutions, it just opens you up for failure, and I really don't need to provide myself with more opportunities to feel that way. Unfortunately, my mood and stupid eating-disordered-head still influence my life on a daily basis, and prevent me from creating work as often as I wish I could, but that's the way things are at the moment, and I don't want to start another year beating myself up about it.

During 2013, I would most like to work on projects which will mean my illustrations will be interacted with by children. From the very start of my aspirations to become an illustrator, it was always children I wanted to illustrate for and, despite creating illustrations for a whole range of different audiences over the past few years, it is still the work I create for children which makes me happiest. My recent children's colouring competition is definitely the big highlight of my year - it is one of the best things I have ever done, as it allowed me to see children interacting with my illustrated colouring sheet; putting their own stamp on it and expressing themselves creatively. I loved every single entry I received; seeing the colours and materials each child had chosen to use, and the messages I recieved from their parents saying their little ones had enjoyed themselves whilst creating their artwork were incredible. Children's books and colouring pages and encouraging children to be creative are definitely the direction I'd like to go.

Also, as I expressed in a recent post, I hope to update this blog more regularly; not only with my own illustrations, but with the work of others' who inspire me - I hope this will make you all want to keep reading! I'd love to hear any feedback about anything you'd like to see or read about on my blog - any ideas would be very welcome! :]

Finally, a massive thank you to all of you who have supported me during 2012; every single one of you who reads and comments on my blog, those of you who have liked my facebook page or followed me on Twitter, and all of you who have bought items from any of my shops. All of you, I hope you have a very happy 2013.  ♥


  1. What a lovely post! Its always great to look back on achievements and realise how far you've come. Lets make 2013 even better and actually do something PPS related! It was this time last year that we did the colouring book! Madness :) Happy New Year! :) xx

  2. Loving your list! Apart from working on the Sad Clown Illustration shop and becoming more positive, I'm going to stick with my 30 in 30 challenge.

    I bet 2013 will rock for you - you have an awesome talent, for sure!

  3. oh wow you have acheived a lot this year! congrats! i look forward to more of your work in 2013!


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